Legislative News
H.B. No. 6856: An Act Concerning Substance Abuse and Opioid Overdose Prevention
This is the governor's bill on opioid addiction prevention. Would allow pharmacists to prescribe and dispense Naloxone among other changes.
This is the governor's bill on opioid addiction prevention. Would allow pharmacists to prescribe and dispense Naloxone among other changes.
H.B. No. 6511: An Act Concerning Recovery High Schools
To consider introducing recovery high schools in Connecticut for the purpose of educating students recovering from substance abuse.
To consider introducing recovery high schools in Connecticut for the purpose of educating students recovering from substance abuse.
SB 1085: An Act Concerning Health Insurance Coverage For Mental Or Nervous Conditions.
This bill would explicitly define what should be covered by private insurers for mental health services, including inpatient and intensive outpatient services. Mary Mushinsky's committee, Program Review and Investigations, determined that private-insured families did not provide mental health services equal to the state-insured families, in violation of the mental health parity law.
This bill will allow the insurance agencies to be monitored when and if they deny coverage of mental health coverage to their insured. This bill gives some teeth to the parity bill because it monitors the insurance companies that still do not provide coverage despite the law.
As we all know, despite the 'parity laws', most people still struggle to get appropriate coverage when they most need it.
Click here for a copy of the testimonial letter, change "(name)" to your name, and email to pri@cga.gov in support of this effort.
Thank you for your much needed support. Ken Welch
This bill would explicitly define what should be covered by private insurers for mental health services, including inpatient and intensive outpatient services. Mary Mushinsky's committee, Program Review and Investigations, determined that private-insured families did not provide mental health services equal to the state-insured families, in violation of the mental health parity law.
This bill will allow the insurance agencies to be monitored when and if they deny coverage of mental health coverage to their insured. This bill gives some teeth to the parity bill because it monitors the insurance companies that still do not provide coverage despite the law.
As we all know, despite the 'parity laws', most people still struggle to get appropriate coverage when they most need it.
Click here for a copy of the testimonial letter, change "(name)" to your name, and email to pri@cga.gov in support of this effort.
Thank you for your much needed support. Ken Welch